Hi, I’m Karen!
I run KREOS Airlines and I want to talk about your pilot. Most places want to talk about their pilots, but I am going to talk about YOUR pilot. I get it. The pilots fly our planes and represent my company, so it would be easy for me to see them as “my” pilots. But they fly YOU. They are actually YOUR pilot. And they are different than all the other pilots out there.
Most pilots are driven to fly bigger and bigger planes. Bigger planes equal bigger bragging rights. The bigger the plane, the bigger the responsibility. The bigger the recognition. The bigger the … (you can fill in the blank). Our planes are not big. In fact, they are pretty small.
And YOUR pilot is special.
Your pilot is not someone who wants to sit up front, sequestered in the cockpit feeling all superior and powerful. No, they’re someone who likes people. Yes, they ARE highly skilled and trained. Yes, they ARE experienced. And yes, they are amazing at what they do. But that is not enough to get hired by me.
I look for that special pilot that wants to fly PEOPLE, not planes.
I look for that special pilot who wants to go home and tell everyone how great the day was because someone’s granddaughter couldn’t stop looking out the window and smiling from ear to ear the entire flight. I look for a pilot that, when I ask them “how was the flight”, holds up their hand, high fives me, and shares that the passengers closed the big deal they were pitching.
When I hire, I am not looking for MY pilot, I am looking for YOUR pilot.
That is my promise to you. And if all this sounds like just some sales pitch, just wait until you meet me. I am the exact opposite of other CEOs. My favorite business book is Dr. Seuss’s “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” I kid you not, I have a copy in my office…
Flying planes is a serious business. Safety is our top concern. But that is not what makes KREOS special. It becomes special the moment you hear these words “Hi, I’m ____ and I will be your pilot today.”